At Holly Lodge School we have a group of Mums and Dads who organise many events and activities throughout the academic year. This kind of group is traditionally known as a Parents and Teachers Association or PTA. At Holly Lodge our group is known as Holly Lodge School Association or HLSA. The HLSA has great support from the Headteacher, as well as other teachers within the school. Without this, none of what we do would be possible!

What do we all do?

Well, we are the people who set up events like the school discos, film nights, Christmas fair, summer fair, quiz night for the grown ups, Bookfest, Circus and even more. As well as these events there are often very small things that go on such as free tea and coffee mornings every half term where we invite you all to come and relax and eat a piece of cake (or two!) while we all just chat and wind down for a morning. Pre-school children are always welcome to these mornings too and we have toys and child-friendly refreshments for them to enjoy too. We also arrange refreshments when new parents visit the school, lots of fundraising schemes such as Bags2School, Christmas activites and so on. 

How do we do it?

All the work we do is purely voluntary. We have a committee of parents who meet regularly to chat about organising things and coming up with new ideas. But what really makes all this happen is YOU! Without the fantastic support of all the parents, grandparents and other people at the school none of it would be possible.

All of large events such as discos and fairs rely heavily on volunteers to run stalls, set things up and clear up afterwards. In the past you have all done a marvellous job in helping out, allowing us to raise thousands of pounds to buy equipment, develop outside areas, buy sports kits, fund activities such as circus skills, buy books for each child at Christmas and more.

All of these amazing achievements have benefited all our children at the school and would not otherwise be possible without each of us. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to you all and here's to more raising funds for a better future.

What’s on

LodgeFest 24!
Holly Lodge Primary School

Your Committee
  • Amy Sneddon

    Amy Sneddon

  • Katie Rolph

    Katie Rolph
    (Vice Chair)

  • Danielle Campbell-Wheadon

    Danielle Campbell-Wheadon

  • Hazel Suffield

    Hazel Suffield
    (Nearly New Uniform)

  • Natalie Andrews

    Natalie Andrews

  • Elizabeth  Ayres

    Elizabeth Ayres

  • Kathrine Clarke

    Kathrine Clarke

  • Magdalena Janiaczyk

    Magdalena Janiaczyk

  • Kerry Lovegrove

    Kerry Lovegrove

  • Amy Mason

    Amy Mason

  • Michelle Merricks

    Michelle Merricks

  • Gemma Morley

    Gemma Morley

  • Claire Thompson

    Claire Thompson

  • Lucie Towers

    Lucie Towers

  • Lisa Wickens

    Lisa Wickens


This year we are aiming to raise money to build a fantastic outdoor learning facility!